Find The Best Board Games » PARTY Tue, 11 Feb 2014 23:26:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Best Board Games 2013 /best-board-games-2013/ /best-board-games-2013/#comments Tue, 11 Feb 2014 21:07:33 +0000 /?p=837 I have received multiple requests for a list of the best board games released in 2013.  So HERE YA GO!  But, before I get to the list, I want to say Thank You All so much for your feedback and support!!  Keep it coming!

Now, back to the list.  As you know we like to diversify our lists because we understand board gamers come from all walks of life and have their personal preferences. That being said, we found this list to be slightly more difficult to diversify because of the lack of reviews and or information on games recently produced.  We found most of the games receiving a lot of praise were typically for more advanced board gamers.  And quite frankly, we here at have not had enough time to play them all.

So, I turn to you.  Following our list, I would love to hear feedback from YOU! What was the best new board game(s) you played in 2013? What board games released in 2013 would you recommend for Families, Parties, etc?  What do you think of the games on our list?

Please leave your comment at the end of this post – I know our readers and fellow board gamers will greatly appreciate it.

As always, we separated our list of the Best Board Games of 2013 into the following most popular categories;

  • Family
  • Party
  • Strategy
  • Fantasy
  • Kids


Best Board Games 2013
(1-5) Stars
Forbidden Desert Board Game

Family10+2~545 min4.5 Stars4.5
Eldritch Horror

Fantasy14+1~82~4 hrs5 Stars5
Rampage Board Game

Family/Kids8+2~430 min4.5 Stars4.5
Caverna: The Cave Farmers

Strategy12+1~7120 min4.5 Stars4.5

Party/Adult21+3~620 min4.5 Stars4.5
Duel of Ages II Basic Set

Fantasy12+2~860 min5 Stars5
Jungle Ascent

Family8+2~430 min5 Stars5
Zombicide Season 2: Prison Outbreak

Fantasy13+1~660 min4.5 Stars4.5
Star Trek Attack Wing: Starter Set

Strategy14+2+30 min4.5 Stars4.5
Bang!: The Dice Game

Party8+ 3~815 min4.5 Stars4.5
Ghooost Card Game

Family8+2~620 min4 Stars4
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords Base Set

Fantasy13+1~490 min4.5 Stars4.5
Nations Board Game

Strategy13+1~52 hrs5 Stars5
Corporate America

Party13+3~690~120 min5 Stars5
Firefly: the Game

Strategy12+1~42 hrs+4.5 Stars4.5
Warhammer 40k Relic Boardgame

Fantasy14+2~42 hrs+5 Stars5
Space Cadets: Dice Duel

Party14+4~830 min4 Stars4
Blood Bound Game

Party14+6~1230 min4.5 Stars4.5
Carcassonne: South Seas

Family8+3~530 min4.5 Stars4.5
Level 7 [Omega Protocol]

Fantasy14+2~660 min4.5 Stars4.5
HeroClix DC - Batman Gotham City Strategy Game
Strategy14+2~460 min5 Stars5
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Choosing The Best Family Board Games /best-family-board-games/ /best-family-board-games/#comments Thu, 21 Nov 2013 02:18:19 +0000 When the family gets together, you are accomodating for a lot of different demographics. The children want to play Connect Four, but you’ve run out of ways to tell them that only includes two players and that there are more people here than that. The teenager wants to play nothing because he’s too busy texting his friends. And grandma wants to play something called “bridge.” Sounds boring.

This is why finding the best family board game for everybody can be so difficult. You have to walk a fine line between interestingly nuanced and too confusing for grandma. There are a million games that are family friendly, but finding one that is genuinely going to entertain everyone involved isn’t easy.

So, because we know you want to avoid another awkward post-dinner conversation with Uncle Gene, we’ve put together a couple of suggestions (below our list) for people looking to game out with the entire family.  As with our other lists, our list of the best family board games (below) is separated into categories which can be adjusted to help you in your search.

Best Family Board Games List

Top Family Games
Age yrs
Best With
Rating 1-5 (stars)
Ticket To Ride

8+2~54plyrs45 min5 Stars5
7 Wonders
10+2~74plyrs30 min5 Stars5
Apples to Apples Party Box - The Game of Hilarious Comparisons (Family Edition)
12+4~104~6plyrs30 min4.5 Stars4.5
Smart Ass

12+2~84+ plyrs30 min4.5 Stars4.5
Qwirkle Board Game
6+2~42~4plyrs45min5 Stars5
The Settlers of Catan
10+3~44plyrs90 min4.5 Stars4.5
King of Tokyo
8+2~64plyrs30 min5 Stars5
Blokus Classics Game
5+2~42~4plyrs20 min5 Stars5
Pandemic 2nd Edition Board Game13+2~44plyrs60 min4.5 Stars4.5
Telestrations the Telephone Game Sketched Out!
8+4~128plyrs30 min5 Stars5
Small World
8+2~54plyrs90 min4.5 Stars4.5
7+1~82~415 min4.5 Stars4.5

Our Favorite Family Board Games!!

Best Family Board Game for a small group (immediate family) - Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride is a terrific game that is easy to pick up but still finds a way of surprising you over the course of several play sessions. For comparison sake, I would call this Settlers of Catan in a train setting, but that may not be doing the game justice. The resource gathering is somewhat similar and there is a “longest track” card, but Ticket to Ride doesn’t really feel that derivative.

Every turn is an opportunity to build track pieces leading to destinations that are decided by what destination cards you draw. You play as a contestant in a competition to see who can see the most North American cities, the winner receives a prize of $1 million. The further you travel, the more victory points you earn, the winner is the first player to get to 40 total victory points.

Each game takes between a half hour and one hour, but the turns go by decently fast. The pacing of the game plays out very nicely, keeping everyone involved and making it worth it to pay attention to other people’s turns while figuring out your own strategy.

If there’s one complaint I have about the game is that there are times that a player can attain a lead that seems insurmountable. Unexpected comebacks have occurred on a handful of occasions from my experience, but getting an early lead can be a big advantage. It helps that most games are done in less than an hour, so even if someone builds that kind of lead, the next game isn’t far away.

The physical build of the game feels good. Once you’ve handled a large variety of game pieces (or “bits” for people in the business) you gain an appreciation for quality. And these bits, as well as the game board are very solid.

Ticket to Ride is recommended for people above the age of eight, and hosts as few as two and as many as five players in one game. There are also a few expansions that are worth looking into once you’ve played more than a few rounds of the core set.  has Ticket to ride and it’s expansions on the their top 10 best family board games list .

Click Here for more Ticket To Ride Info, Pricing and Reviews!

Best Family Board Game for a Large Group - Smart Ass

Okay, so I realize the name of the game does not sound very family friendly, but if you can beyond that, there is a wildly fun trivia game in the box. As long as you can deal with the possibility of having to explain to your kids that “ass” is another name for a donkey. But, that may spur a whole other list of questions, so I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to avoid it.

Smart Ass is a great game for large groups because it encourages people to blurt out. The game is simple. One player reads a list of clues from on a card that is in one of three piles. Each pile represents whether the answer will be a person, place, or a thing. So, the player reading the clues speaks in the third person. For example, if the answer was the Eiffel Tower, the first clue would be something like “I am a world famous national monument,” then “I was built during the first World War,” then “I was built in Paris, France,” with several other clues in between.

The clues get progressively more obvious, and players are allowed one guess for each line of clues. This is where the game can get interesting, you want to beat everyone else to the punch, but you need to have some restraint to gather enough clues to validate your answer. By the last clue, the answer is usually a giveaway. Once someone answers correctly, the round is over and that player gets to roll the dice to advance along the game’s rather simple board.

The luck of the dice can be a major factor in the game just because you can get stuck on a single spot of the board for long periods of time even if you are answering questions correctly. If you keep landing on that “go back two” space, you’ll never get ahead. Games usually go by quickly, with most rounds getting done in no more than 40 minutes.

The game creates a lot of really fun moments with everyone silently competing and then bursting out with answers as if they would lose if they didn’t shout them. In the case of a tie breaker, that can sometimes be the case.

The core game set comes with a healthy stack of cards for each category, so don’t feel the need to rush out and buy an expansion. It’s also fun to leave the board out of the game entirely and just do a trivia night based on the cards alone. If you can get past the name on the box, Smart Ass is a terrific trivia game that will create some memorable laugh-out-loud moments.

Click Here for more Smart Ass Info, Pricing and Reviews!

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Finding the Best Board Games for Kids /best-board-games-for-kids/ /best-board-games-for-kids/#comments Tue, 19 Nov 2013 20:29:03 +0000 As a parent, it would seem that you are expected to give up your own games in order to get involved with your kids’ activities, which often involve board games. But that doesn’t mean you have to be bored when playing these games with your kids. There are a great number of games for your kids that both you and your child can have fun playing.

Of course, Go Fish is only going to be so stimulating for so long. And that’s true for both the parent and the child. When shopping for the best board games for kids, you will run into a variety of different play styles and learning curves. That’s why we’ve broken down our list and our recommendations for the best kids board games into three different categories:

  • Board Games for preschoolersAges 2 to 5
  • Board Games for kids in grade school Ages 5 t0 11
  • Board Games for kids in middle schoolAges 11 to 13

Best Board Games For Kids List

Best Kids Games
Age yrs
Rating 1-5 (stars)
The Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game3+3~7yrs2~415 min4.5 Stars4.5
Disney HedBanz Game

7+7~12yrs2~630 min4.5 Stars4.5
Chutes and Ladders Super Hero Squad 3+3~7yrs2~415 min4.5 Stars4.5
King of Tokyo8+Boys2~630 min5 Stars5
Hi Ho Cherry-O3+3~6yrs2~415 min4.5 Stars4.5
Rory's Story Cubes8+8~15yrs1 or more15 min4.5 Stars4.5
Thinkfun Roll and Play Board Game18Months+1~3yrs115 min5 Stars5
Richard Scarry Busy Town
3+3~8yrs2~415 min5 Stars5
Don't Break the Ice3+4~8yrs2~415 min4.5 Stars4.5
Qwirkle Board Game6+6+yrs2~445 min5 Stars5
In order to help you find the right games for your children, here are my personal favorites from each category.

Our Favorite – Best Board Games for Kids!

Best Board Game for Pre-school kids – Sneaky Snacky Squirrel

Sneaky Snacky Squirrel, other than being incredibly difficult to say ten times fast, is a great game for young children for a number of reasons. From a technical standpoint Sneaky Snacky Squirrel is a game that requires some physical dexterity to play, as well as some strategic thinking to get your kids analytical brain involved. The gameplay is very simple: spin a wheel, take action indicated by wheel, next turn.

The game is played by a minimum of two players and a maximum of four. Each player is given a stump in which they can store up to five acorns, each acorn slot having a color ring around it corresponding to the different colors of acorns. The wheel you spin at the beginning of each turn allows actions like “steal an acorn” or “lose an acorn” to go along with the more typical “take an acorn of X color.” Once a player has an acorn of each color, that player wins and the game is over.

Kids will have fun using the tongs, or as they cleverly call them, “Squirrel Squeezers,” to pick up and move the acorns. The involvement of these tongs also helps improve fine motor skills, for parents concerned about substance in their kids’ playtime. This game is light at first glance, but it involves a surprising amount of thought from its young players, and will be a game every parent can enjoy playing with their child. Note: this game contains very small pieces that could be a choking hazard so it is advised that your child be above the age of three.

Click Here for More Info, Pricing and Reviews!

Best Board Game for Grade School Kids – King of Tokyo

King of Tokyo is a game created by Richard Garfield, who is well-known as the creator of the popular card game Magic: The Gathering. This dice game is much simpler than that, and is absolutely perfect for a parent that is looking to add a little more complication to their child’s board games without making things too difficult. This game gets the players extremely involved with quick turns and lots of dice to roll, but still contains plenty of very interesting decisions.

This game supports up to six players, with each player representing a monster that is trying to destroy Tokyo Godzilla style. With a hit point and power-up system that is comparable to that of a video game, there are many things about this game that are accessible for younger children yet still fun for adults. As an adult, I absolutely love this game. I play it with my other, also adult friends all the time. But, that hasn’t stopped me from bringing it to my 9-year-old nephew’s house to show him this cool new game he’s going to love (which he did).

The combination of the dice system and the power-up cards creates a lot of great moments for strategy. There can be big swings in momentum, and no lead is ever safe. Even playing with five other people, I still felt like my turn was coming around fast and that my strategy was well thought out. Simulating a big fight between monsters as big as buildings is a great theme to draw in kids, and then once you open the box you realize that there’s more to this game than you thought, but not too much for a younger crowd. I highly, highly recommend this game. rated this game 7.5 and is #12 on their top family board games list.

Click for More Info, Pricing and Reviews

Best Board Game for Middle School Kids – Settlers of Catan

Settlers of Catan is a cornerstone of the tabletop gaming world. It’s simplicity allows for a brief, gentle learning curve that still allows for some highly strategic moments, forcing the best players think long term. At first, Settlers of Catan can look, to put it simply, boring. Unless you invest in one or several of the expansions, the vanilla game is spent gathering resources (clay, sheep, wheat, etc.) and building a select few number of structures. “Oh, so I just build roads?” Yes, and earning the “Longest Road” card is an accomplishment on par with winning a gold medal in the Olympics.

Catan is a bit slow to start, but by this time your child is nearly a teenager, so they can show a little patience, right? The dice keep things active while also instilling an exciting dose of pure chance into the game. The layout of the board is hugely variable and customizable, which adds a great deal to its replay value. This game has a number of expansions that add complexity to the game, but I wouldn’t dive right into any of them.

I advise someone new to the Settlers of Catan series to just play the core game for a while. Adding in features like oceans, boats, and warfare sound tempting, but they sound more fun than they really are. The base version of Settlers of Catan is a great way to get your middle school child introduced to board games that can be as fun as they are thoughtful. Catan is a gateway to a number of other fantastic games.  Not only is this game one of the best board games for kids, but is widely considered as one of the best board games of all time. rating 7.5

Click for more info, pricing and reviews

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The Best Party Board Games – Party On! /best-party-board-games/ /best-party-board-games/#comments Thu, 10 Oct 2013 02:47:28 +0000 Like many board games, choosing the best party board games for your specific needs simply comes down to - who will be playing the game?  This particular category has many options because a party can consist of many age groups and genders.  For example if you’re having a Kids party you obviously would not want to bring out an adult game like Cards Against Humanity. Likewise, if you bust out a kids game like the Sneaky Squirrel for your office party or a family holiday gathering, it will most likely not be a hit either.

In researching which of the best party board games to add to our list, I found that there are basically 4 categories within the party game genre. These sub categories should meet every audience’s needs and help narrow down the best choices for you.  Here they are in no particular order…

  • Family - For a family get together (Holidays, Birthdays, etc). Diverse age group and genders.  Basically, a game you can play with Grandma and still have a good time.
  • Office -For adult men and women ages 16+.  Politically correct and non-offensive.  Typically for 8+ players
  • Adults – A get together with 4 or more people, possibly some alcohol involved, ages 17+, men and women, college dorm.
  • Kids - Kids only, maybe a parent or two to teach and monitor the game

What makes a great party board game

The best party board games should be – simple to learn, interactive, fun and FUNNY.  It should not be extra competitive nor have to rely on complex strategies or tactics to win.  Social interaction between the players is usually what creates the best experience for all involved.  Laughing and having a good time should be more important than actually winning the game.  If your chosen game meets these criteria, then you and your guests are in for a great time.

What can ruin a great party board game

Difficulty level – There are many party board games out there that are rated highly and are overall great games.  However, one important thing to look for when choosing the best is – How long does it take to learn?  If a game does not have simple rules and you have to spend ample amounts of time explaining them, this can greatly effect the flow and fun of the game.

Learn the game -  To help keep the game flowing and fun I recommend you learn the game well before you bust it out for your party.  For best experience there should always be a moderator who knows the game well and can answer any questions quickly to keep the game moving.  If you have not played the game, find someone who has and ask them to help moderate.

Theme specific games – Games like Duck Dynasty, or Scene It -Twilight Saga for example, are games which are considered great fun to those who are familiar with the theme.  But, may not be fun to someone who has never watched the show, movie, etc.

Best Party Board Games List

Best Party Games
Age yrs
Best For
Rating 1-5 (stars)
Telestrations 12 Player Party Pack

8+4~12All30 min5 Stars5
Cards Against Humanity

17+4~8Adult30 min5 Stars5
Reverse Charades

6+6~99All30 min4.5 Stars4.5

8+4~99All10 min4.5 Stars4.5
Werewolves of Millers Hollow

10+8~18Family, Office, Adult30 min4.5 Stars4.5
Spot It

7+2~8Family, Kids15 min5 Stars5
Say Anything

13+3~8Adult 30 min4.5 Stars4.5
Wits and Wagers Party

10+4~20Office, Adult 20 min4.5 Stars4.5
Apples to Apples Party Box - The Game of Hilarious Comparisons (Family Edition)

13+4~10Family30 min4.5 Stars4.5
Smarty Party

10+3~8Family, Adult45 min4.5 Stars4.5
Word On The Street - The Hilarious Tug Of Words

12+2~8Family20 min4.5 Stars4.5
Smart Ass

12+2~8Family30 min4.5 Stars4.5
Time's Up - Deluxe

13+3~8Family, Adult60 min4.5 Stars4.5
Spontuneous ® Party Board Game - The Game Where Lyrics Come to Life®!

9+4~10All30 min4.5 Stars4.5

10+6~99All25 min4.5 Stars4.5



Best Party Board Games – Our Favorites!

 Best Family Party Board Game – Smart Ass

See Best Family Board Games  for our review

Click Here For Reviews, Ratings and More from

Best Office Party Board Game – Time’s Up!

81Z6Sa7IPiL._SL1500_Time’s Up is a very simple game that works great for a mixed crowd, or even a non-gaming crowd. That’s what makes it perfect for the office. If you’re playing a game at the office, you’re bound to end up with a few clueless people.

Teams can be divided up however you like, but there must be enough people on each team for a describer and a guesser. The cards that the describer is reading contain names of people; these people could be from a book, a movie, or a real person. The describer has to give clues to get the rest of the team to guess who is on the card. But, that’s just the first round.

In the second round, clues must consist only of one word, and the team only has one guess before the card cannot be scored. What ends up happening is there are often names in the deck that people do not know, so they end up giving clues that have nothing to do with who the person actually is, but rather just ways to get them to say the name.  This always influences the hilarious outcomes of the second round. The third round is charades.

Click Here for Amazon Ratings and Reviews

Best Adults Only Party Board Game – Cards Against Humanity

pic1104600_tAt this point, most people are aware of this game, but if you haven’t played it, then you do not realize its greatness. If you don’t know, that’s fine. Cards Against Humanity is almost exactly the same in concept to Apples to Apples: the judge picks the top card off the deck of adjectives, and everyone else in the game has noun cards. Non-judge players throw in the noun card that they feel best suits the definition of the adjective, the judge decides the most fitting card and the owner of that card wins the round.

I remember playing Apples to Apples for the first time and thinking that the game was fun, but the cards lacked a little life at times. The best moments in Apples to Apples always seemed to be when somebody would say something terribly inappropriate. For example: the adjective for the round is “comfortable” and someone plays the noun “electric chair,” or something really offensive like the adjective being “compassionate” and someone plays “Adolf Hitler.”

Well, Cards Against Humanity is a game built entirely on that kind of humor. This game is not for the faint of heart. If you get uncomfortable around the topics of race, religion, risky sex acts, and the debasement of political pundits, then perhaps Cards Against Humanity isn’t for you. But, if you can let loose and embrace the absurdity of the game, it’s difficult to find a game that creates more belly laughs.

It’s best to play this game in moderately mixed company. If you play with five standup comedians, no one is offended, no one is shocked, it’s just people saying terrible things. But, if you have two of those comedians and someone’s girlfriend that still collects Disney Princess dolls, you’ll get the perfect combination of gasps and hoots that will entertain everyone for an entire evening.’s #1 selling game for all of 2013, with a 5 star rating and over 5000 reviews.

Click Here for Ratings, Reviews and Pricing

Best Kid’s Party Board Game – King of Tokyo

91jvKl9U0LL._SL1500_See Best Board Games For Kids for our review

Click Here for more info and pricing

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What Are The Best Adult Board Games? /best-adult-board-games/ /best-adult-board-games/#comments Thu, 10 Oct 2013 02:44:53 +0000 Board games are for kids, right? If I’m an adult, I can’t be seen sitting around a table with my other adult friends and playing Monopoly, right? Wrong. Believe it or not, tabletop games have evolved beyond the days of the process of rolling dice and tapping your little metallic dog up and down a sheet of cardboard.

That being said, when it comes to searching for the best adult board games on the webby web, like most categories you will get varied results.  Most often you will probably find games that are sexual in nature.  While these may be the type of adult games you are searching for, we here at realize that there are also other types of adult games people may want.

During our research we found that there are generally a few different categories of adult board games that people are looking for.  To help you find the right one for your needs, we’ve broken them down into three major subcategories,

Best Adult Board Games Subcategories

Games for couples, or rather, groups of couples. These games are great for small get togethers where everybody may not necessarily know each other.
Just for 2 adult games made just for an individual couple. These games can often be a bit sexual in nature, but not all of them (as you’ll see below).
Adult party games, these games are usually played by groups of friends that don’t mind getting a little rowdy. Some vulgarity may be involved, but that’s okay, it’s a party!

Our list of the best adult board games is  broken down by each subcategory and as always  we will be providing our personal favorites from each below.

Best Adult Games
Age yrs
Best For
Rating 1-5 (stars)
Cards Against Humanity17+4~30Party30 min5 Stars5
The Settlers of Catan10+3~4Party90 min4.5 Stars4.5
Smart Ass
12+2~8Couples/Party30 min4.5 Stars4.5
Loaded Questions13+3~6Party45 min4.5 Stars4.5
Adult HedBanz Game13+2~6Couples/Party30 min4.5 Stars4.5
Wits & Wagers
10+3~7Party25 min4.5 Stars4.5
Battle Of The Sexes Board Game

16+2~8Couples45 min4 Stars4
SEXXXtions - The Hilarious NEW Adult Party Game that turns TMI into Too Much Fun!

18+5~8 Couples, Party30 min4.5 Stars4.5

13+2~10Couples, Party30 min4.5 Stars4.5
16+4~16Couples/Party60 min4.5 Stars4.5
What's Yours Like? - The Game That Tells it Like it Is12+4Party30min4.5 Stars4.5
5 Second Rule - Just Spit it Out!10+3~99Party15 min4.5 Stars4.5
XXXopoly - Adult Board Games

18+2Just for 245 min4 Stars4
'Table Topics - Couples, Blue'

18+2Just for 215 min4.5 Stars4.5
Adult Loaded Questions

18+4~6Party45 min4 Stars4

12+4~10Party20 min4.5 Stars4.5
Shot Glass Roulette - Drinking Game Set (Comes With 2 Balls and 16 Shot Glasses)

21+2~16Couples, Party15 min4 Stars4

12+3~6Couples, Party30 min4.5 Stars4.5
I've Never Board Game Adult Version

21+2~8Couples, Party 45 min4.5 Stars4.5


Our Favorite Adult Board Games!

Best Adult Board Game For Couples - Wits and Wagers: Party Edition

71ptSXv7NML._SL1500_This is a game based on numbers, which can be intimidating to some, but this game is much friendlier than it first appears. In Wits and Wagers, you are asked trivia questions that will always have an answer with a numeric value. So, the question will be something along the lines of “How long is the Great Wall of China?” Now, there are a handful of people in the world that will know the exact answer to that question. But, for most of us, we just know that the number is big.

Everyone writes their guess on a card which is then revealed. Players will then bet on which answer they believe is closest to correct. So, the game isn’t about who knows the answers to these questions, if anything it’s about who places the smartest bets and has the best instincts.

It’s for this reason that Wits and Wagers is completely non-exclusionary. Sure, you don’t know the answer to that trivia question, no one does. We’re all just guessing, betting, and making fun of everyone else’ guesses and bets. This game plays anywhere from 4-20 players, and is easily customized to be played in teams. So if you’ve got 10 couples, you may want to try and pair everybody up and play around of 10 teams.

This game is also extremely family friendly, so don’t be afraid to have it out at your next family get together. rated 7 of 10.

Click Here To See Pricing, Ratings and Reviews of Wits and Wagers Party

Best Just for 2 Adult Board Game - Table Topics: couples

81iXNJaDcLL._SL1500_This is an interesting couples game in that it isn’t a game by traditional standards. Table Topics is non-competitive, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. The game is simple, but unique. Meant to be played just between partners, Table Topics is a stack of cards with questions on them. These questions revolve around trying to get a conversation started, with some of them being a bit more invasive than others. The questions can range from silly to interesting to surprisingly illuminating.

There is a bit of a caveot here: this game seems to be built primarily for established couples that are already in a very intimate relationship. With questions like “have you ever cheated on a lover” or “Which sexual activity would you like to try if there were no negative consequences” there is opportunity here for conflict if the couple is not extremely comfortable with each other. When playing this with my longtime girlfriend, I was able to avoid any frightening amount of tension from the questions, but the concern is there.

The most interesting thing I noticed happening when playing this game was that there were some cards that started us on a conversation that ends somewhere that looks nothing like the beginning. You’ll notice that one of you just ends up on a tangent, the other starts asking more questions, and soon enough you’ve forgotten that you’re playing a game at all. You’re just jabbering.

If you’re in a relationship that feels like it may be getting a bit stale, these questions ought to spark an interesting conversation. If you’ve just started dating someone and feel like this would be a great way to start an interrogation, then this game may not be for you, especially if you’re not ready for a few honest answers. I recommend this game to couples that feel like they’ve talked about everything and aren’t afraid of hearing about what may end up being some of the messier details of someone’s past.

See Pricing, Ratings and Reviews here

Best Board Game For Adult Parties - Cards Against Humanity

See our previous review of Cards Against Humanity Here.

Click Here For Ratings and Reviews at

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